The FOP’s influence “has left other police organizations feeling out in the cold.”

-The Wall Street Journal

The rights and benefits of law enforcement officers are constantly under attack. Nowhere is this more evident than in Arizona.

Activist organizations, with little regard for the realities law enforcement officers face daily seem intent upon a political agenda, which would take law enforcement back to the 1950s in terms of officers rights, pay and benefits.

The Arizona Fraternal Order of Police has a full time staff, utilizing the services of well respected professional government relations team, dedicated to informing legislators about the unique issues facing law enforcement officers in Arizona.

The Arizona FOP has successfully advocated law enforcement officers interests at the state capitol for more than six decades. Our unparalleled success is due to the fact that we approach lawmakers professionally, explain our issues face-to-face and support lawmakers who support law enforcement.

  • Due process rights (commonly called law enforcement bill of rights)
  • Retirement for law enforcement and corrections officers
  • Benefits for spouses and children of fallen officers
  • State employee compensation
  • Redaction of personal information
  • Workman’s’ comp issues
  • Work Fitness
  • Overtime Compensation